Thursday, December 1, 2011

Printing IP coupon tips

Here are some tips for printing IP (internet/instant print) coupons:

1.  If you are printing a Bricks coupon (the one where it has a little computer with .... to a little printer) if you will hit your refresh button during the .... phase, it will bring up a window asking you to resend the information, hit "retry" & it will automaticly print another copy for you. 

2.  If you have re-sent the information, & you realize that the first copy is printing advertisements or recipes or other propaganda that you're not interested in & don't want to waste your ink, hit the "cancel print" button on your printer, it will still print out the second copy, then hit "cancel print" on the second one once the coupon only has printed.

3.  If you are printing a SmartSource coupon, you can usually print them twice by using your "back" button after the first print has printed, if not, go back to the original link hit "print coupon" again & another one should print. 

4.  If you have a coupon that comes up in a pdf format, always "save" the pdf to your computer, that way you have the coupon for as long as the expiration date & you can print as many as you want without over-printing & wasting ink.  However, I would never redeem more that 2 of the same coupon at the same time, the stores in our area freak out over multiple IP coupons!

5.  If you have multiple computers available to you (home, work, laptop, etc.) you can print 2 times from EACH COMPUTER, but again, I wouldn't redeem more than 2 at a time!

6.  If you are printing from & you would like 2 of all of the coupons you are printing, you do not have to go back and select each coupon again, just hit the refresh button to print a second time.

There will always be exceptions, but usually you can print each coupon 2 times.  Remember to have ink in your printer as well, because once you've hit the retry button, if it doesn't print because of low ink the program thinks it has printed & won't let you print again. 

If you know of more suggestions for easy printing or anything different than what I have posted, be sure to leave a comment below & share them with us!

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